When it comes to cosmetic options, many people might first think of the facelift, the rhinoplasty, the tummy-tuck. There’s...
We like to imagine aging as a singular force, marking the progression of time. And with this mindset, it...
There are plenty of people out there who have an attitude of “go big or go home” when it...
There are always experts out there who try to make weight loss seem easy. However, there’s no miracle cure...
Did you know that in Roman times, crocodile dung or swan fat were the go-to wrinkle busters? Or that...
Radio frequency skin tightening has gone DIY. For a few hundred bucks a pop, you can own an at-home...
At the first sight of jowls and marionnettes, you might feel your face and ask: “When did this happen”?...
There’s a certain perception that winter is the best time to get your cosmetic procedures done. You’ll have plenty...
Summer sneaks up on you in Ontario. We don’t have the luxury of a long and gentle spring to...
Stretch marks, also known as striae, are narrow bands of indented or raised skin that are most common on...