What is Radio Frequency Skin Tightening?

Radio Frequency Skin Tightening can leave you looking years younger.

What is Radio Frequency Skin Tightening?

When restoring a youthful appearance, one of your main challenges is going to be wrinkles and or loose skin, and achieving this through radio frequency skin tightening could be the solution to both. A smooth and uniform appearance defines youthful skin, however, it often seems like there’s no hope in the fight against growing crow’s feet and the like. However, skin tightening procedures, like radio frequency skin tightening (RF skin tightening), are among the most effective ways to combat wrinkles and smooth the overall skin appearance. 

These procedures may seem somewhat intimidating to those who don’t know much about them. This blog will clear up misconceptions or questions you might have. Whether you want to eliminate wrinkles or are looking for how to tighten neck skin, RF skin tightening can do wonders for you.

What is Radio Frequency Skin Tightening?

When we think of ways to tighten the skin in the context of cosmetic procedures, plastic surgery often comes to mind and we generally assume that it involves a facelift or being put under. This means we expect there to be a surgical procedure with incisions, anesthetic, and a lengthy recovery period when it comes to safe and effective ways of skin tightening treatments. Typically, facelifts involve adjusting the muscles below the skin to try and “pull” the skin into a less wrinkled appearance. 

RF skin tightening is a little bit different because it deals with collagen instead of the muscles. Collagen is a protein found in most of your body. Under your skin, collagen is what helps give that skin volume. As you age, your collagen production will begin to slow down in production, leading to wrinkles.

That’s where RF skin tightening comes in. This process works by using radiofrequency waves (hence the name) to transmit heat deep below the skin to where your collagen is. This then promotes the regeneration of collagen and helps make it more elastic. This, in turn, helps provide a foundation for smoother skin. 

Is RF Skin Tightening Safe?

RF Skin tightening is a totally non-invasive procedure. This means absolutely no surgery is needed. It also means that it is a very safe cosmetic procedure to get on various parts of your body including to help with anti aging or weight loss final touches.  It is entirely FDA approved and can be applied to sagging skin or wrinkled skin on your neck, double chin, stomach, arms, and back. 

Unlike with a facelift or other cosmetic surgeries, there is essentially no  recovery time. You’ll be good to get back to your daily routine directly after completing your radiofrequency skin tightening. 

Is RF Skin Tightening Right For Me?

If you’re interested in reducing wrinkles or tightening up loose skin in a specific area of your body, then RF skin tightening is something you should look into. The effects of RF skin tightening will start to show up shortly after the procedure is completed, but the process of collagen stimulation can continue for up to six months. 

It’s a misconception that RF skin tightening is only appropriate for the face. In fact, radiofrequency skin tightening is a great way to tighten neck skin, arm skin, or any other place on your body where you have wrinkles or desire to improve skin tightness. 

Beat Your Wrinkles Today!

Smooth skin is youthful-looking skin. Everyone deserves to have skin that they are happy to live in. 

At PSSC, you can get even better than just RF skin tightening. We offer RF as part of our Tight and Bright package, including chemical peels and BBL correct treatments. This leaves your skin looking smooth, fresh, and young. If you have any more questions about RF treatment, don’t hesitate to contact us

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