Remove Under Eye Circles, Wrinkles & Bags—Using Dermal Fillers?

A close up of an attractive woman with no under eye circles.

Remove Under Eye Circles, Wrinkles & Bags—Using Dermal Fillers?

You’ve done everything to brighten those under eye circles. You get eight hours of shuteye a night, drink plenty of H20, and even wear cucumber slices to sleep. And still, nada. Those dark semi-circles still remain, making it look like you’re always suffering from sleep deprivation.

There are reasons why you might still be at war trying to remove your under-eye circles or wrinkles. Nature, which we’ll discuss shortly, could be working against you, but you might need a new secret weapon in your arsenal. 

With that said, there’s one you probably haven’t thought of yet—dermal fillers. In this post, we’ll not only explain why you’re still squaring off with under-eye circles and wrinkles, but also, how dermal fillers can stave them off. 

1. You’re getting longer in the tooth.

Yes, this point induces audible eye rolls, because it makes it seem that under-eye circles are inevitable. With age, the skin under your eyes loses volume and elasticity. This makes the skin look thinner, and your blood vessels more prominent, which can make the area look darker. Also, a loss of collagen and fat in this area causes wrinkles. 

2. Your DNA makes you prone to under eye circles. 

The way your body produces and weaves collagen into the skin is a function of your master blueprint—your genetics. For some, genetic differences mean reduced collagen production or darker pigmentation, which can make under-eye circles and wrinkles more noticeable. Ah, genes—wouldn’t it be nice to get a different pair at times? 

3. Your self-care routine needs a makeover.

Your perfect care routine might not be so perfect after all. This isn’t criticism, but an opportunity to fix things. With that said, you might need to change certain habits like oversleeping (yep, too much hurts as well), excessive screen time (yes, this is hard), and excessive alcohol consumption. But unlike genes and age, these are things you can change.

4. You’ve got some health issues going on. 

Just as your eyes are a window into your soul, your under-eye region is a barometer for your health. Sort of. Dark undereyes are often a symptom of conditions such as allergies, anemia, and post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH), among others. The good news here is that once you treat the underlying condition, your under-eyes should lighten up. 

Need Under Eye Circle Help? Dermal Fillers Come to the Rescue

So now, we reintroduce dermal fillers as a weapon against under eye circles and wrinkles. Although dermal fillers typically treat extensive wrinkles of the lower face, their therapeutic action works well for thinning under eyes. 

Practitioners use hyaluronic acid fillers, injected via a microneedle in the under-eye region. This super-fine needle injects the filler between the bone and fatty tissue of the eyes. The hyaluronic acid fills pitted areas where collagen is most sparse. 

The result is plumper looking under-eyes, which in turn minimizes the appearance of blood vessels that make the region look dark. Also, the skin is more resilient, reducing the appearance of wrinkles. In fact, results can look like this: 

A before and after result of dermal filler treatment for under eye circles and bags.

Notice her under-eye circles are dramatically reduced, along with the darkness and puffiness. This restores a youthful energy to her face, and makes her look closer to her age or possibly, younger. 

In terms of efficacy and safety, dermal fillers get two thumbs up. They can have some side effects, but they’re usually mild, such as: 

  • Bruising and swelling 
  • Hyperpigmentation 
  • Nodules and bumps (which may require treatment on rare occasions)
  • Infections (very rarely) 

Consulting a professional practitioner such as our staff here at PSSC, is the key to eliminating these risks. 

Typical Dermal Fillers Used to Treat Under Eye Circles

  • Hyaluronic acid: The most popular option for under-eye circles and wrinkles, which lasts for up to six months. Brand names: Restylane®, Juvederm®
  • Collagen: Also popular, collagen injections last up to four months. Brand names: Bellafill® 
  • Poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA): Typically reserved for rare instances where patients don’t respond to hyaluronic acid or collagen. They can last for two years if injected over several months. Brand names: Sculptra®
Good Candidates for Dermal FillersPoor Candidates for Dermal Fillers 
Age 35 or older (although patients as young as 22 can receive them) Pregnant or nursing women
Generally good healthHaving an active or untreated skin infection or acne
Easy-to-treat, not yet severe fine lines, wrinkles, or hollowed skin structuresSufferers of autoimmune disorders
Non-smokersPatients wanting to treat extensive signs of ageing
Patients with very thin or loose skin 

An Overlooked Treatment for Under Eye Circles & More

Addressing your skin care routine, general health, and lifestyle, will always serve as the foundation for your facial radiance. Your undereyes are not exempt. But of course, age and genetics can make those stubborn under eye circles and wrinkles, well, stubborn. When you have circles and wrinkles that just won’t quit, give dermal fillers a try. They can fill in the gaps that your self-care habits can’t. 

Here at PSSC, our practitioners bring decades of combined experience using hyaluronic acid treatments, as well as other dermal fillers. We’re experts at assessing who will benefit most, and minimizing side effects so the treatment feels like an easy-as-ABC procedure. Get in touch with us to start your under-eye rejuvenation journey!

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