How To Reduce Swelling After Getting Dermal Fillers

A beautiful woman admires her fresh face on a bright morning

How To Reduce Swelling After Getting Dermal Fillers

If you’re looking for a non-invasive procedure that’ll plump out your features, dermal fillers are one of many fantastic alternatives to surgery, but they may leave the treated area swollen for a few days. Here are seven tips for keeping the swelling down so you can get back to your life faster and looking fantastic.

What are dermal fillers?

Dermal fillers are Hyaluronic Acid (HA) gels injected under the skin to plump up volume, enhance facial contours, and smooth wrinkles and creases. HA is a substance naturally found in the body. It’s FDA-approved and completely safe for facial enhancement. The results of dermal filler treatments are temporary, lasting as much as twenty-four months before the body naturally absorbs the HA gel.

Types of dermal fillers 

Dermal fillers are produced under various brand names, and each product has its benefits and purposes. Dermal fillers for lips is a common application, but dermal fillers can be used in many ways. The top doctor-recommended dermal filler in Canada is Juvederm. It’s used primarily for lips, face, and wrinkles and can last up to twenty-four months. Restylane is a dermal filler that increases volume, lifting cheeks, smoothing lines, and plumping lips.

Dermal filler swelling

Because the dermal filler gel is injected below the skin, it will cause some swelling which will differ depending on where the filler is injected and can vary from patient to patient. In many cases, the swelling is only apparent to the patient and often starts to disappear quickly after treatment. Some patients even return to work the same day. However, there are some great tips for keeping swelling down.

Reducing swelling from dermal fillers 

Keep your head elevated

Elevating body parts can help ease swelling, so keep your head elevated for at least four hours following your dermal filler injection and sleep with your head elevated overnight. 

Drink plenty of fluids

Extra hydration encourages excess fluid to leave the body more quickly. If you’re not drinking a lot of water, the body holds onto fluid to make up for lack of intake, and affected areas will stay swollen.

Foods and activities to avoid

Some of these items might seem obvious, but they are well worth mentioning if you’re serious about keeping the swelling down.

  •  Avoid processed foods or fast foods. As much as we all love a good burger, wait a few days.
  • Avoid excess salt and spicy foods. Salt will make your body retain fluid, and spicy foods can cause inflammation. 
  • Try not to smoke or drink for a few days.
  • Avoid most herbal teas and supplements.
  • Avoid blood-thinning medications (including aspirin and ibuprofen). 

No pressure

Leave the treated area alone for a few days. Pressing or squeezing the area might cause the filler to move under the skin, affecting the desired results.

Cool down

Gently apply ice to your treated area to help reduce swelling quickly. Remember to put the ice in a plastic bag and wrap that bag in a towel, and then gently put it in place.

Take it easy

Hold off on your exercise regimen for twelve to twenty-four hours after your treatment. Increasing your heart rate can cause your injection sites to swell. 

Hats off

If you have filler added around your forehead, avoid wearing hats for a few days. The pressure from the hat might force the swelling down your face and eyes.

Get your consultation today

We all want the most effective anti-aging treatment. PSSC has the dermal fillers Toronto is looking for. Contact PSSC for a consultation today.

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