How to Diminish Decollete Dots & Wrinkles

A young woman with a towel wrapped around her head poses with some cleavage exposed.

How to Diminish Decollete Dots & Wrinkles

The decollete region, is a delicate and precious area for women, one that’s often forgotten yet damage-prone. Don’t get us wrong—a sunkissed chest is a beautiful thing. But when it looks dried-out or leathery, it can naw away at your confidence. Ditto for cleavage with spots and lines. 

With that said, decollete blemishes and wrinkles aren’t inevitable, assuming you’re proactive about protecting the area. This post will examine what leads to an aged appearance in cleavage and how you can reverse the clock. 

Defining Décolleté and Décolletage

The terms décolleté and décolletage might seem interchangeable, but there’s a slight difference between the two.  

Your décolleté is your upper chest area, spanning your neck, cleavage, and shoulders. Your décolletage is further north—the uppermost part of your chest and neck. 

All-in-all, both names, with their elegant French spelling and pronunciation, refer to areas revealed by low necklines. 

Décolleté and décolletage ageing shows its face in a few ways. Wrinkles are the most common sign. 

For others, sunspots on the cleavege and around the shoulders are the first to make their grand entrance. 

For those with thinner skin, the first introduction to an ageing décolleté and décolletage is crepey skin. These signs may appear with visible blood vessels, which is usually more noticeable on fairer-skinned individuals. 

Now none of these manifestations are “ugly”—they give you character and look beautiful in their own way. Hollywood beauties such as Vanessa Williams, and your friends, Jennifer Aniston and Courtney Cox deal with décolleté and décolletage aging. But we know that sometimes, when people make comments or stare a second or two longer, they can make you self-conscious. 

Why the Décolleté Area Gets Wrinkled and Spots

Let’s be honest—décolleté and décolletage is meant to be seen in the best light possible. The “if you got, flaunt it” philosophy applies here. 

The issue here though, is this sensual, confidence-radiating zone is super-sensitive and prone to photoaging when exposed. You’ve likely seen or maybe are starting to see wrinkles, discolouration, dots and more in this area. 

Why décolleté and décolletage looks old fast 

  • Sun exposure—This region, when left open, receives generous doses of sunlight and UV rays, which breaks down collagen. The result? Loss of elasticity and firmness, and wrinkles and dark spots. 
  • Environmental Factors—Apart from the sun, pollutants, dirt and debris can strip your décolleté of its natural oils, leaving it dehydrated and “old-looking”. 
  • Genetics—Sometimes, a prematurely aged décolleté is written in your DNA. Some people experience a faster decline in collagen, which can make their chest and neck look dry and loose. Of course, genetics vary and how you fare in this department is a dice roll. 
  • Lifestyle choices—Of course, habits can accelerate décolleté and décolletage ageing. Vices such as excessive drinking or smoking reduce blood flow to your skin, which can age out the cleavage and neck area. Even more innocent ones such as sleeping on your side can causes creases to develop over time. 

And lets not forget the ageing process itself. Inevitably, just about everyone will show signs of ageing in the décollete and décolletage regions. 

The good news is that décollete and décolletage spots and wrinkles are reversible. 

In-Clinic Care for Décolleté Wrinkles and Spots

If you want fast and dramatic reversal of décollete and décolletage spots and wrinkles, then in-clinic treatment is the way to go. The lotions in your medicine cabinet won’t do it. With that said, there are a few affordable, non-invasive options you can try. 

Injectables & Fillers

You probably thought of this since we’re talking about wrinkles here. Yes, Botox®, Dysport® and other neuromodulators can smooth out wrinkles and lines. You can also receive a dose of dermal fillers, namely, hyaluronic acid-based injections, that can stimulate collagen to tighten, thinned out skin. At PSSC, we offer Botox and Dysport which smooth out wrinkles and lines, and hyaluronic acid-based fillers that hydrate and tighten skin. 

Chemical Peels

Chemical peels work to exfoliate and remove dead skin cells. The result is smoother skin and an even tone. Chemical peels that target deeper layers of skin can even help to reduce fine lines. At PSSC, we offer chemical peels in varying strengths to reverse the appearance of décollete and décolletage ageing. 

BBL (BroadBand Light) 

Not to be confused with the other, trendy BBL, BroadBand Light therapy uses light wavelengths to target uneven pigment and stimulate collagen production. Discoloured blotches and dark spots, which are common in décollete and décolletage areas, fade dramatically when treated with this light therapy. 

The result is a smooth-looking chest and neck that maintains a tanned appearance minus the dried-out look. At PSSC, we off BBL therapy as a means to control and reduce uneven pigment in décollete and décolletage regions. 

Fractional Lasers

Another light-based treatment option are fractional lasers. They deliver targeted micro-injuries to the deeper skin layers, which heal by producing and remodelling collagen. The result of this is a reduction of wrinkles, tighter skin, and a smoother skin texture. At PSSC, we use fractional lasers to provide a one-two combo of skin tightening and pigment balancing, so your décollete and décolletage look youthful and glowing. 

At-Home Care for Décolleté Wrinkles and Spots

Now we said above that creams and lotions aren’t going to give you dramatic results. But that doesn’t mean they’re useless, and they do have a place in your bathroom cabinet. Same goes for other at-home methods—they can at least support in-clinic treatments and protect your skin from the elements. 

  • Use sunscreen—Wearing sunscreen is a must-do, not just to prevent premature décolleté and décolletage aging, but also to reduce the risk of skin cancer. With that said, make sure to apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen that’s at least SPF 30 on your chest, neck, and cleavage. This will protect these areas from UV rays. 
  • Use exfoliants/moisturizers—A big reason why décolleté and décolletage aging happens is because cell turnover slows down over time. That means your skin dries up and dead skin cells pile up. Using a moisturizer (and drinking plenty of H20!) hydrates your skin, while exfoliating creams can remove some of your dead skin cells. 
  • Use retinoids—A decline in collagen is partly responsible for an aged appearance in your chest, neck and shoulders. Retinoids, which are derived from vitamin A, can boost collagen and increase cell turnover, smoothing out wrinkles, lines and pigment issues. 
  • Wear protective clothing—Okay, so yes, we know showing off a little décolleté and décolletage freely is a part of you. But it’s still important to protect the area with the right clothing from time-to-time. That means wearing tops with UV-protection on very sunny days. Also, wear well-fitting bras to prevent unnecessary stretching of the skin since they can promotes sagging and wrinkles. 

And don’t forget basic and proper cleansing of the area too. Use non-irritating soaps and lotions so that there’s no loss of natural oils or moisture. 

Make décolleté and décolletage dazzle, not distract

A tasteful display of your décolleté and décolletage should boost your confidence, not eat away at it. And even though some sunspots and lines can give it character, we understand that an excess can be distracting. 

With that said, if you’re not fond of what you see in the mirror, you don’t have to just accept it. With singular or combined in-clinic treatments and some at-home care, you can turn the clock back for a more youthful-looking chest, neck, and shoulders. 

Here at PSSC, we offer a variety of treatments that can halt the progression of décolleté and décolletage wrinkles and blemishes. We can even reverse some of these spots altogether so the area looks radiant. There’s no reason why you can’t have a mature look mixed with some youthful exuberance! 

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